Approve or Reject Purchase Invoice

Purchasing Invoice transactions include a standard approval process.  Upon creation of a new purchase invoice, system will assign an approver based on user definable rules.  The approver can optionally receive an email notification with a link to the the purchase transaction.  The user entering the purchase invoice can optionally attach a document (pdf) for the approver to view.

View Invoices to Approve



  1. Navigate the Purchasing / Purchase Transactions
  2. Open View, Purchase Invoices to Approve


Purchase Invoice Approval View can be viewed from a Dashboard.

Approve or Reject a Purchase Invoice


  1. Open a Purchase Transaction from the Purchase Invoice to Approve view
  2. Click the Approval button and select an option
    1. Approve. The purchase transaction will be approved. Once approved, the originator (typically accounts payable) will be notified and can Post the transaction
    2. Reject. The purchase transaction will be rejected.  Notes can be made on the purchase transaction.  Note that rejections can be resubmitted by the originator.

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