Enter Mobile Expenses

ProjectStream 365 Mobile allows for the entry and submission of project expense reports.  For more a more comprehensive look at Project Expenses refer to the Project Expense Overview article.



  1. Navigate to Menu / Expenses
  2. Click New
  3. Complete the Expense Report (header) form
  4. Click the Save icon in the upper right corner to save the header

Complete Expense Line (details)


  1. With the Expense Report header open, click on Details Tab ($ or +)
  2. Complete the Expense Details
    1. Company CC - Select expenses from downloaded list from CC
    2. Other purchase types - enter the details (scroll down)
  3. Click Save
  4. Click the menu button in the lower right corner of the screen
  5. Click Submit Expense Report


From the expense header, a user can use the phone or tablet camera to capture an image of a receipt and attach to the expense report

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